Screen GIF是一款国外小巧实用的Gif动画录制工具,小编带来的这款ScreenGIF已经过汉化,ScreenGIF操作简单方便,可以将屏幕任何区域及操作过程捕获为GIF格式的动画图像,保存过程对GIF动画可以进行编辑优化,这款ScreenGIF操作简单、界面简洁,功能也非常实用!
使用开始/停止录制,以捕获 GIF 图像;
二、简单的 GIF 图像编辑器
它内置 GIF 编辑器允许您自定义的 GIF 动画;
三、各种 GIF 优化
各种可选的 GIF 优化以生成较小的 GIF 图像;
Screen GIF 用户界面允许你设置或翻译其它语言;
2016.1 (11/15/2015)
* The program icon has been changed (thanks to www.asleycruz.com)
and therefore various changes must be made over the program,
some dialogs and program help. This release also start a new
version numeration system, which refer the year of the release
and the number of the release, following by the release date.
by 大眼仔@旭
- 汉化为简体中文,并加壳打包!
- 无需注册码,已破解启动即为已授权版!